North Fort Myers Civic Association Inc.

Adopt – A – NFM Teacher


The North Fort Myers Civic Association is bridging the gap between our community and the schools by the Adopt a NFM Teacher program, we are focusing on New teachers within North Fort Myers that need help to stock their classrooms with supplies. Whether they transferred to a new school or a new teaching position/grade.

96% of teachers purchase school supplies so their students don’t go without.

Teachers will often purchase supplemental materials to help students struggling to grasp the curriculum. These additional resources are not always subsidized by schools. Teachers follow a curriculum, and create their own lesson plans, but for some students, this is not enough for them to truly grasp the material. Most teachers spend $745 a year on supplies. We want to help them as much as we can and donate as much as possible to All 8 North Fort Myers Schools. This is where we need everyone’s help. Come play some poker weather you know how or not. It will be a ton of fun and benefit a great cause.

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